I. Recognising the potential and harnessing the opportunities of hydrogen 2
II. The National Hydrogen Strategy – goals and ambitions 5
Assuming global responsibility 5
Making hydrogen a competitive option 5
Developing a domestic market for hydrogen technology in Germany, paving the way for imports 5
Establishing hydrogen as an alternative for other energy sources 6
Making hydrogen a sustainable base material for the industrial sector 6
Enhancing transport and distribution infrastructure 6
Fostering science, mobilising skilled labour 7
Shaping and accompanying transformation processes 7
Strengthening German industry and securing global market opportunities for German firms 7
Establishing international markets and cooperation for hydrogen 7
Regarding global cooperation as an opportunity 8
Building up and securing the quality assurance infrastructure for hydrogen p roduction, transport, storage and use, and building trust 8
Improving the policy environment and addressing current developments on an ongoing basis 8
III. Hydrogen: status quo, fields of action, and markets of the future 9
The status quo and expected trends for hydrogen and its downstream products 9
Hydrogen as a collaborative European project 10
International trade 11
Transport and distribution infrastructure in Germany and abroad 11
Research, education, innovation 12
IV. Governance for the National Hydrogen Strategy 14
Cooperation between the Federal Government and the Länder 15
V. Action Plan: steps necessary for the National Hydrogen Strategy to succeed 16
Hydrogen production 16
Fields of application 17
VI. Glossary 28