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Knowledge flows and global value chains


Title page


Introduction 2

Knowledge forming the organisational structure of activities in the global economy 2

Knowledge flows in GVCs 7

Import competition and specialisation 9

The importance of micro-level data 10

Policy implications 11

Conclusion 12

References 13

Figure 1. (Average) Marginal effects of the quality of Institutions for complements with relatively more knowledge transmission upstream:... 4

Figure 2. A business group as a hierarchy of firms 4

Figure 3. How do firms find customers? 5

Figure 4. The share of repetitive routine tasks over hierarchies 6

Figure 5. Productivity and skewedness 7

Figure 6. Share of firrms with automated information sharing in the supply chain 8

Figure 7. Revenue share by product 10


#글로벌가치사슬 # 지적재산권 # 외국인투자 # 공급망
