로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
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Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence
(미국의 인공지능 선도적 지위 유지)

상단의 이미지를 클릭하시면 국회도서관에서 번역한 「미국의 인공지능 선도적 지위 유지에 관한 행정명령 13859호 번역문」을 확인하실 수 있습니다.


Sec 1. Policy and Principles
Sec. 2. Objectives
Sec. 3. Roles and Responsibilities
Sec. 4. Federal Investment in AI Research and Development
Sec. 5. Data and Computing Resources for AI Research and Development
Sec. 6. Guidance for Regulation of AI Applications
Sec. 7. AI and the American Workforce
Sec. 8. Action Plan for Protection of the United States Advantage in AI Technologies
Sec. 9. Definitions
Sec. 10. General Provisions


#인공지능 #AI #기술표준 #기술패권 #국가핵심기술
