로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

Technological and Policy Pathways to Accelerate US Industrial Decarbonization
(산업 탈탄소화를 가속화하기 위한 기술·정책 방향)


Executive Summary 1
US Industrial Emissions in Global Context 3
Industry Fundamentals and Decarbonization Pathways 8
Industrial Decarbonization Technologies : Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy 13
Permitting Reforms and Building New Infrastructure 17
Conclusion and Recommendations 18
About the Author 19


#탈탄소화 # 탄소중립 # 재생에너지 # 그린수소 # 청정에너지 # 산업탈탄소화
