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Pacific perspectives 2022 : accelerating climate action
(2022년 태평양 전망: 기후 행동 가속화)


Foreword ⅰ
Acknowledgements ⅲ
Boxes ⅴ
Figures ⅴ
Tables ⅴ
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 : Tackling the disaster - climate - health nexus 4
Chapter 2 : Ocean and climate synergies 19
Chapter 3 : Climate - smart and digital trade 27
Chapter 4 : Energy transition 37
The Way Forward : A Four - Point Climate Action Agenda 51
Annex 1 : Methodology for estimating the Annual  Adaptation Cost for Natural and Biological Hazards 55
References 56


#에너지전환 # 지속가능한발전 # SDGs # 청정에너지 # 재생에너지 # 에너지안보
