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  • 주제별 국가전략
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The Path to 2075 — Slower Global Growth, But Convergence Remains Intact
(2075년으로 가는 길 - 느린 세계 성장, 그러나 수렴은 그대로 유지됨)


1. Four Major Themes for the Global Economy 3
2. Back to the Future — Lessons from the Past for What Lies Ahead 8
3. Our Long-Term Projections — The Rising Importance of Major EMs 17
4. Global Implications — Slower Global Growth, Reduced Global Inequality 27
5. Investment Implications — EM Unlikely to Continue to Underperform 31
Appendix 1: Our Methodology in Detail 33
Appendix 2: Forecast Summary 39
Bibliography 42
Disclosure Appendix 43


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