The contribution of R&D specialist institutions to R&D performance: findings from the NESTI 2022 pilot data collection 3
Acknowledgements 4
Executive summary 6
1. Introduction and background 10
2. Measurement guidance 12
3. The 2022 ad hoc data collection exercise and its precedents 14
4. Analysis of results from the data collection 18
4.1. R&D specialist units within the Government sector 18
4.2. R&D specialist units within the Business enterprise sector 21
4.3. R&D specialist units within the Private non-profit sector 25
4.4. R&D specialist units within the Higher education sector 26
4.5. The broad picture on R&D specialist organisations 27
5. Conclusions and next steps 30
5.1. Lessons from the data collection process about R&D systems 30
5.2. Methodological lessons 31
5.3. Next steps 32
Annex A. Questionnaire 33
Annex B. Additional detailed tables 39
Annex C. Economy notes 46
Endnotes 51
Figure 1. Visual representation of R&D specialist units (ISIC72) across the headline institutional classification in the Frascati Manual 15
Figure 2. R&D specialist institutions contribution to government R&D, latest available year 19
Figure 3. Sources of funds for government R&D in specialist R&D institutions, latest available year 20
Figure 4. R&D specialist institutions contribution to business R&D, latest available year 22
Figure 5. Share of Business R&D accounted for by units with R&D (ISIC72) and with R&D and other Professional, scientific and technical activities as main activity (ISIC72+), ANBERD database, 2019 22
Figure 6. Business enterprise R&D specialist institution contributions, ISIC 72, by source of funds, latest available year 24
Figure 7. PNP R&D specialists contribution to total PNPERD, latest available year 25
Figure 8. PNP specialist institution contributions, ISIC 72, by source of funds, latest available year 26
Figure 9. R&D specialist institutions contributions to domestic R&D (GERD), latest available year 27
Figure 10. R&D specialist institutions expenditure distribution by sector, percentages, latest available year 28
Figure 11. Total R&D specialist institution contributions, ISIC 72, by source of funds, latest available year 29
Table 1. Inventory of responses to the OECD/NESTI ad hoc 2022 questionnaire 16
Table 2. Contribution to GERD by R&D specialists in government, public enterprises and non-profits serving business 29
Table 3. R&D expenditure by R&D specialised institutions, USD PPPs, latest available year 39
Table 4.Number of R&D specialised institutions, units, latest available year 40
Table 5. Sources of funding of R&D in R&D specialised institutions 41
Table A A.1. Types of R&D institutions and R&D performance in the economic territory 35
Table A A.2. Sources of funding for the R&D performance of ISIC 72 units 36
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