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Hydrogen Hubs and Demonstrating the Hydrogen Energy Value Chain
(수소 허브와 수소 에너지 가치사슬 실증)


Introduction 1
DOE Programs and Demonstrations 1
 DOE Hydrogen Programs 1
 Demonstrations 3
  Purpose and Expectations 3
  Brief History of Demonstrations 5
Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs 6
 Requirements 6
 DOE Funding 7
Experience with Hydrogen Projects 7
 Early Deployment 7
 Hydrogen Demonstration Projects 8
 Barriers to Early Deployment 10
  Refueling Infrastructure 10
  Matching Supply and Demand 11
 International Experience 11
Size, Scope, and Scale of Future Hydrogen Hubs 12
Issues for Congress 13
 Investment and Sufficient Off - Takers to Consume Hydrogen 13
 Appropriate Regulation of Hydrogen Pipelines 14
 Sufficient Transmission, Distribution, and Delivery Infrastructure 14


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