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The White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights
(세입자 권리 장전을 위한 백악관 청사진)


Title page


First Principle: Access to Safe, Quality, Accessible and Affordable Housing 5

Why this Principle is Important 5

From Principle to Practice 5

Second Principle: Clear and Fair Leases 8

Why this Principle is Important 8

From Principle to Practice 8

Third Principle: Education, Enforcement, and Enhancement of Rights 10

Why this Principle is Important 10

From Principle to Practice 11

Fourth Principle: The Right to Organize 14

Why this Principle is Important 14

From Principle to Practice 14

Fifth Principle: Eviction Prevention, Diversion, and Relief 16

Why this Principle is Important 16

From Principle to Practice 17


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