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Nuclear Negotiations with North Korea
(대북 핵협상)


Introduction 1
Nuclear and Missile Negotiations from 1994 to 2020 2
 The Agreed Framework (1994-2002) 2
  Background : Negotiations to Defuse the First Nuclear Crisis 2
  The Agreed Framework 4
 U.S. - DPRK Missile Negotiations 5
 The Six - Party Talks (2003-2009) 5
  Background : The George W. Bush Administration and the Agreed Framework 5
  The Six - Party Process and Agreements 7
  The Six - Party Talks Collapse 9
 The 2012 Leap Day Deal 10
 2018-2019 Top - Down U.S. - DPRK Talks 11
  Background : 2016-2017 Tensions 11
  Rapprochement in 2018 and 2019 18
Future Considerations and Issues for Congress 18
  Utility or Futility of Negotiations? 20
  Preconditions 22
  The U.S. - South Korea Alliance 23
  Format of Negotiations 24
  Linkage to Other Issues 25


#북핵문제 # 대북핵협상 # 한미동맹 # 남북관계
