Summary 4
1 The Energy Price Guarantee 10
1.1 What was the Energy Price Guarantee? 10
1.2 What are gas and electricity prices under the EPG and price cap? 13
1.3 Differences between gas and electricity price changes 17
1.4 How does the EPG work with the price cap? 19
1.5 How has household energy use changed as prices have increased? 21
2 Prospects for prices 23
2.1 Trends in wholesale prices 23
2.2 Forecasts of the price cap 26
2.3 Will suppliers start offering cheaper deals? 28
Latest prices under the energy price cap 31
Appendix 32
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Gas and electricity prices during the ‘energy crisis’ and beyond
(‘에너지 위기’ 동안 그리고 그 이후의 가스 및 전기 가격)