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Better regulation for the green transition
(녹색 전환을 위한 규제 강화)


Title page


Acknowledgements 4

Introduction 7

Regulatory policy terminology used in this paper 11

1. Regulatory design: Promoting a green lens 13

Regulatory impact assessment 13

Ensuring an agile and risk-based approach to regulatory design 18

References 20

2. Reviewing regulation for effective environmental action 22

References 24

3. Engaging with stakeholders for a green and just transition 25

References 27

4. Delivering regulation for the environment 28

Improving environmental licensing and permitting 28

Risk-based regulatory inspections and enforcement 29

Promoting compliance with environmental regulation 30

References 31

5. Using international regulatory co-operation to ensure effective regulations for the environment 32

Considering international evidence, impacts and instruments related to environmental action throughout domestic rulemaking 33

Making complementary use of bilateral, regional and multilateral regulatory co-operation fora for effective environmental action 34

References 35

6. The role of economic regulators in promoting a green transition 36

The potential impact of economic regulation on environmental outcomes 36

Considering governance arrangements 38

References 40

7. Leveraging behavioural sciences for the green transition 42

Introducing a behavioural lens at the policy level 42

Considering behaviour at the design and delivery level 43

References 44

8. The future of regulating for the green transition 45

References 47

Figure 1.1. Regulatory impact assessment for the environment 13

Figure 1.2. More OECD countries require an assessment of regulatory impacts on the environment 14

Figure 5.1. Mechanisms of international regulatory co-operation available to governments 33


Box 1.1. How RIA has helped to improve environmentally-related regulatory proposals 16

Box 1.2. Agile and risk-based approaches to green policy design in Canada and Korea 19

Box 2.1. Regulatory reform efforts simplify and improve environmental policy 23

Box 3.1. Examples of deliberative processes addressing climate-related issues 26

Box 4.1. Efforts to improve environmental permitting in OECD countries 29

Box 4.2. Netherlands' interface and interconnection between all inspection systems 30

Box 4.3. Compliance promotion for the green transition in Korea 31

Box 6.1. Potential trade-offs between economic and environmental objectives in ecommunications regulation 38

Box 7.1. Using behavioural insights to promote compliance with environmental regulation 44


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Better regulation for the green transition

(녹색 전환을 위한 규제 강화)