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Comparing access to urban parks across six OECD countries
(6개 OECD 국가의 도시 공원에 대한 접근성 비교)


Title page


Acknowledgements 4

Introduction 6

Data and Methods 8

Results 12

Discussion 19

References 21

Supplementary Materials 25

Table 1. Park accessibility indicators 9

Table 2. Anova by country 27

Table 3. Regression results for population density and walking duration, for France and the United States, by region and income 27

Table 4. Regression Results for population density and walking duration for each country 28

Figure 1. Distribution of population weighted median walking duration to parks in minutes, by region type and country 13

Figure 2. Share of population with access to parks in 10 minutes, by country and FUA/HDC 14

Figure 3. Map of 496 FUAs in six countries 15

Figure 4. Share of population with access to parks in 10 minutes by HDC and commuting Zones by country 16

Figure 5. Share of population with access to a park by walking duration (United States and France) 17

Figure 6. Share of Population with access to parks within 10 min 18

Figure 7. Linear regression models by country between walking durations to parks to population density on a double log10 scale 26


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