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Smarter European Union Industrial Policy for Solar Panels
(태양광 패널에 대한 유럽연합의 보다 스마트한 산업정책)


Executive summary 1

1 The ‘kingpin’ of Europe’s energy transition 2

2 Solar PV manufacturing and the EU’s situation 3
2.1 Understanding solar PV supply chains 3
2.2 Solar PV manufacturing: the diverging trajectories of Europe and China 5
2.3 Europe’s solar-panel dilemma: cost-efficiency vs geopolitical resilience 7

3 Evaluating Europe’s case for solar manufacturing industrial policy 8
3.1 Scoring solar against economic intervention criteria 9
3.2 The ‘China risk’ 10

4 Resilience priorities for solar policy 11
4.1 Stockpiling as a buffer solution 11
4.2 Accelerating solar deployment 12
4.3 Gradual import diversification 12

5 Innovation, rather than European content, should justify manufacturing subsidies 13
5.1 Risks of intervention justified by domestic content 13
5.2 Support innovation in manufacturing 13
5.3 Support innovation in recycling 15

6 Conclusions 16

References 17


#태양광패널 # 에너지전환 # 에너지전략 # 에너지공급망


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Smarter European Union Industrial Policy for Solar Panels

(태양광 패널에 대한 유럽연합의 보다 스마트한 산업정책)