로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

National strategy on gender equity and equality
(셩평등 및 평등 국가전략)


Title page


Section I: Guiding Principles 5

Whole-of-Government Implementation 6

Intersectional Approach 6

Interconnected Priorities 7

Section II: Strategic Priorities 8

Improve Economic Security and Accelerate Economic Growth 8

Eliminate Gender-Based Violence 12

Protect, Improve, and Expand Access to Health Care, including Sexual and Reproductive Health Care 16

Ensure Equal Opportunity and Equity in Education 20

Promote Gender Equity and Fairness in Justice and Immigration Systems 22

Advance Human Rights and Gender Equality Under the Law 24

Elevate Gender Equality in Security and Humanitarian Relief 26

Promote Gender Equity in Mitigating and Responding to Climate Change 28

Close Gender Gaps in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields 31

Advance Full Participation in Democracy, Representation, and Leadership 32

Section III: Implementation 36

Whole of Government Implementation 36

Integration with Broader Equity Efforts 36

Methods 37

Accountability 38

Consultation and Engagement 38

Acknowledgements 40


#미국성평등전략 #젠더평등 #성평등 #성별격차
