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Canada's Indo-Pacific trade strategy and trade diversification
(캐나다의 인도-태평양 무역 전략 및 무역 다각화)


Title page


Executive Summary 4

Introduction 7

Canada's Historical Trade Performance 10

Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy 18

Assessing the Indo-Pacific Strategy 22

Concluding Comments 30

References 32

About the Author 36

Acknowledgments 36

Publishing Information 37

About the Fraser Institute 38

Editorial Advisory Board 39

Table 1. Exports by Industry as a Share of Total Exports 15

Table 2. Imports by Industry as a Share of Total Imports 16

Table 3. Strategic Objectives of the IPS 18

Table 4. Initiatives to Expand Canada's Trade Network 19

Figure 1. Canada's Exports as a Percentage of World Exports 11

Figure 2. Canada's Imports as a Percentage of World Imports 11

Figure 3. Canada's Exports by Leading Trade Partners 13

Figure 4. Canada's Imports by Leading Trade Partners 13


#캐나다무역정책 #인도태평양전략 #무역전략 #통상전략
