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Horizon Europe: strategic plan 2025-2027
(호라이즌 유럽: 전략 계획 2025-2027)

□ 유럽연합집행위 산하 연구개발총국은 EU 최대 R&I 프로그램인 호라이즌 유럽의 전략적 방향성을 담은 「호라이즌 유럽 2차 전략계획 2025-2027」을 채택함

□ 호라이즌 유럽(’21-’27)의 마지막 3년(’25-’27)간 EU의 연구혁신 자금 집행을 위한 전략적 방향을 제시하는데, 1차 사업 기간(’21-’24)과의 연속성 보장 및 정치・사회적 상황 변화를 적절히
반영하기 위해 목표에 맞는 변화와 참신함을 도입하여 2차 전략계획을 수립함. 2차 전략계획은 R&I에 대한 투자 효과를 높이고 과학 및 혁신 분야에서 유럽의 리더십을 강화하기 위해 EU와 그 외의 지역에서 업무를 조율하는 것을 목표로 함

□ 2차 전략계획의 주요 내용
- ’25-’27년 호라이즌 유럽 연구혁신 정책 3대 전략 방향 제시
 -’25-’27년 호라이즌 유럽 연구혁신 활동을 통한 32가지 기대효과 제시
 - 새로운 9개 공동 프로그램 및 공동 자금 지원 파트너십 구축
①뇌 건강 ②지속가능한 미래를 위한 산림 ③EU를 위한 혁신 소재 ④녹색・디지털 전환을 위한 원자재 ⑤회복력 높은 문화유산 ⑥사회 전환과 회복력 ⑦태양광 ⑧미래 섬유 ⑨가상 세계
 - 호라이즌 유럽의 플래그십 개념인 5대 EU 미션
 - 이행 상황 점검 및 신유럽바우하우스(NEB) 도입
①기후 변화 적응, ②암 극복, ③해양과 물 회복, ④기후 중립과 스마트 시티, ⑤토양 및 식품 안정성 확보
 - 호라이즌 유럽에 기반한 국제협력의 접근 방식을 안내하고, 연구 보안 및 개방성의 중요성 언급

Horizon 유럽 2차 전략계획 2025-2027 발표
 / 한국과학기술기획평가원


Executive Summary 4
How was the second strategic plan developed? 9
What is new in the second strategic plan? 10
Key strategic orientations for research and innovation 12
How will the pillars of Horizon Europe help deliver on the key strategic orientations? 17
Pillar II - Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness 17
Pillar III Innovative Europe 27
Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area 29
European Partnerships 32
Missions 34
International Cooperation 35
Research Security 38
Specific Issues 39
Balance between research and innovation 39
The integration of social sciences and humanities 40
The role of key enabling technologies in science, innovation and strategic value chains 40
Gender equality and inclusiveness, including the integration of gender concerns into R&I 41
Ethics and integrity 41
Dissemination and exploitation of results 42
Social innovation 44
Synergies 46
Spending strategies for EU policy priorities 48
1. Health 50
2. Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society 62
3. Civil Security for Society 73
4. Digital, Industry & Space 89
5. Climate, Energy & Mobility 106
6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment 120



#호라이즌유럽 # 연구혁신 # R&I
