로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

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Why the United States and EU Should Seize the Moment to Cooperate on Cybersecurity Labeling for IoT Devices
(미국과 유럽이 사물인터넷 기기의 사이버보안 인증 라벨링을 위해 협력해야 하는 이유)


Introduction 2
Barriers to EU - U.S. Alignment on loT Cybersecurity Labeling 3
Models for Transatlantic Cooperation 5
 Lessons From Singapore : Positives and Pitfalls 5
 The Telecommunications Mutual Recognition Agreement 7
Transatlantic Cooperation Must Cover Technical Standards, Conformity Assessments, and a Mutual Recognition Agreement 8
Recommendations 11
Conclusion 12
Endnotes 13


#사이버보안 # 사이버안보 # 사이버안보협력 # 사이버보안라벨링
