로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

Instruments of Economic Security
(경제 안보 도구)


1 Introduction 1

2 What is economic security? 2

3 A brave new world of economic interdependence 5

4 The threat of economic coercion 7
4.1 Australia: a tale of two sectors 9
4.2 Lithuania: much ado about nothing? 11

5 Where is the EU exposed to economic coercion? 13

6 Instruments of economic security 17
6.1 Mapping vulnerabilities 19
6.2 Diversification 19
6.3 Targeted industrial policy and interventions 21
6.4 Ex-post instruments 23

7 Conclusion 25

References 26


#경제안보 # 산업정책 # 유럽경제정책 # 글로벌무역 # 전자상거래
