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Israel and Hamas Conflict In Brief : Overview, U.S. Policy, and Options for Congress
(이스라엘과 하마스 분쟁 요약 : 개요, 미국 정책, 그리고 의회의 옵션)


Overview  1
Conflict and Humanitarian Situation: Key Points and International Action  2
US-Israel Cooperation and Tensions 5
Post-Conflict Positioning  8
Issues for Congress 9
 US Arms Sales Policy Regarding Israel 9
  Review of US Arms Shipments and Congressional Action  10
 US Foreign Assistance to Israel: Debate and Recent Legislation 11
 Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza (including UNRWA) 12


#이스라엘하마스전쟁 # 가자지구 # 미국외교정책 # 인도주의 # 원조물자 # 군수물자수송
