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Global Governance Innovation Report 2024
(글로벌 거버넌스 혁신 보고서 2024)


Foreword 4
List of Illustrations 6
List of Abbreviations7

Executive Summary 8

I. Introduction: Revisiting Human Security and Global Megatrends 11

Human Security: New Conceptual Frontiers 11
Social Development and Global Economic Issues 15
International Peace, Security, and Humanitarian Action 17
Environmental Governance and Climate Action 19
Human Rights, the Rule of Law, Inclusive Governance, and Civic Space 21

II. Rethinking Global Economic Coordination and Development Promotion 25
Challenges 25
International Community’s Responses to Date 28
Major Elements of the Global Policy Framework 33
Overcoming Potential Spoilers and Other Bottlenecks 42

III. New Frontiers in Global Trade Governance, including AI-Cybertech & Future Generations 43
Challenges 43
International Community’s Responses to Date 48
Major Elements of the Global Policy Framework 52
Overcoming Potential Spoilers and Other Bottlenecks 62

IV. Maximizing the Summit of the Future through ImPact Coalitions & a Robust Follow-Through Strategy 63
Big Ideas to Shape the Summit of the Future’s Legacy 63
ImPact Coalitions and the “Spirit of Nairobi” 66
Beyond September Summitry: Taking Forward the Summit of the Future’s Outcomes 70
A Summit to Meet the Needs and Aspirations of Present & Future Generations 73

Endnotes 74

Annex 1: Logframes for Sections II and III 82
Annex 2: List of Relevant Resources 86

Bibliography 87


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