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Why look at tasks when designing skills policy for the green transition? a methodological note on how to identify green occupations and the skills they require
(녹색 일자리 및 기술 측정 방법론 연구)


Title page


Abstract 2

1. Motivation 4

2. Green jobs and methodologies to measure them 6

A. A conceptual framework to understand how to align measurement with policy questions 6

B. Measurement approaches and their suitability for skills policy 9

3. Using text analysis to develop an alternative methodology for the task-content approach 18

A. Applying text analysis to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) to produce the green task intensity index 18

B. How much can the proposed methodology be trusted? 24

4. Application of Green Task Intensity to Indonesia 29

5. Conclusions 35

6. References 36

Appendix A. Pilots combining the output approach and the process approach in developing countries 41

Appendix B. O*NET GEP Steps for classifying green occupations 42

Appendix C. List of consulted material for the creation of the green dictionary 42

Appendix D. ISCO classification system 46

Appendix E. GTI for ISCO-08 occupational classification system 48

Appendix F. O*NET Occupations that are green according to our methodology but not to O*NET GEP 51

Table 3.1. Examples of terms under consideration 19

Table 3.2. Green dictionary terms 20

Table 3.3. Select examples of green and green potential task captured by the green dictionary 22

Table 3.4. O*NET GEP tasks vs Text analysis methodology 25

Table 3.5. O*NET GEP occupations vs Text analysis methodology 26

Table 3.6. Number of green occupations for different cutoff levels of the GSI index and relative to the GTI index 28

Table 4.1. Top 20 skills demanded in high GTI occupations 32

Table 4.2. Green jobs wage premium based on text analysis applying green narrow dictionary to ISCO-08 taxonomy 34

Figure 1. Visual organization of the note 6

Figure 2. Approaches to measure green jobs in terms of their relationship with the production function 7

Figure 3.1. Green dictionary capturing green tasks 22

Figure 3.2. Occupational GTI 24

Figure 3.3. Share of occupations, all by GTI and green occupations by major occupational group 24

Figure 3.4. Occupational GTI text analysis vs O*NET GEP 26

Figure 3.5. GTI vs GSI 28

Figure 4.1. Green employment, based on text analysis applied to ISCO-08 taxonomy 30

Figure 4.2. Green employment using O*NET taxonomy, O*NET GEP and text analysis applied to O*NET taxonomy 31

Figure 4.3. Average share of posts with at least one skill demanded in a skill group, by GTI index 32

Figure 4.4. Share of employment, by workers' characteristics based on text analysis applying green narrow dictionary to ISCO-08 taxonomy 34

Table D1. ISCO mapping of major groups according to skill level 47

Table D2. ISCO definition of each skill level 47


#녹색전환 # 녹색일자리 # 친환경측정방법론
