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  • 주제별 국가전략
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European solar PV manufacturing : terminal decline or hope for a rebirth?
(유럽 태양광 발전 설비 제조 산업 : 쇠퇴 혹은 희망?)


Title page


Introduction 2

A booming sector, an industry in crisis 2

China: Boosting exports of solar panels against a looming overcapacity crisis 4

How do we stay in the manufacturing segment? 5

Are gigafactories the future of the EU solar PV industry? 8

Table 1. 2023 Total solar capacity in 10 selected European countries 3

Table 2. Main European objectives and targets related to solar power in Europe 3

Table 3. China's Dominance of Solar PV Production 4


#신재생에너지 # 태양광패널산업 # 에너지전환 # 유럽에너지전략
