로그아웃 하시겠습니까?

  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

Between aspiration and reality : Russia in the world (dis)order
(열망과 현실 사이 : 세계 (무질서) 속의 러시아)


Title page


Abstract 4

Introduction 6

The Kremlin's world-view 8

Russia's place in the international system 10

Power 10

Identity and civilization 12

"Protector" of the weak 13

Insecurity, grievance and victimhood 14

The practice of Russian foreign policy 16

Anti-Americanism and relations with the West 16

China and Asia 18

The post-Soviet space 19

Engagement with the Global South 21

The primacy of the personal 23

The way ahead 24

Russia's prospects 24

A post-Putin Russia? 25

Implications for Western policy 27

Learning the right lessons 28


#국제정세 # 러시아우크라이나전쟁
