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Cost recovery for water services under the Water Framework Directive
(유럽연합 수자원관리 기본지침에 따른 수자원 서비스 경제성 평가)


Title page


Abstract 4

Résumé 4

Acknowledgements 5

Acronyms and abbreviations 6

Executive Summary 9

1. Background 11

1.1. Discussion questions 11

2. Cost recovery: concept and state of play in Member States 13

2.1. The concept of cost recovery 13

2.2. State of play of cost recovery in Member States 20

2.3. Emerging trends 23

3. The implementation of cost recovery: practical issues and emerging options 28

3.1. Political and societal issues 28

3.2. Technical issues 31

3.3. Options to recover rising costs 36

4. Looking ahead: how fit is cost recovery for the future? 41

4.1. What is the appropriate level of stringency for environmental policies? 41

4.2. How much can water policy instruments support (environmental) policy objectives? 41

Annex A. Timetable of implementation of the WFD 43

Annex B. Article 9 of the WFD 44

Article 9 - Recovery of costs for water services 44

Annex C. Article 5 and Annex III of the WFD on Cost recovery 45

Article 5 - Characteristics of the river basin district, review of the environmental impact of human activity and economic analysis of water use 45

Annex D. Economic Analysis 46

References 47

Table 3.1. Methodologies for estimating environmental values 35

Figure 2.1. Cost-recovery mechanisms: from full to sustainable and broad cost recovery 17

Figure 2.2. Average cost-recovery levels in EU Member States 21

Figure 2.3. Share of funding sources for water management in selected Member States 23

Figure 2.4. Per Annum additional expenditures by 2030 27

Figure 3.1. Projected affordability issues 30


Box 3.1. The impact of investment backlog on costs 37

Box 3.2. Land value capture a suite of tools to finance water-related investments 39

Annex Tables

Table A.1. WFD: Timetable for implementation 43


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