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UK arms exports to Israel
(영국의 이스라엘 무기 수출)


Title page


Summary 1

1. How are licences granted? 3

2. Information on UK arms exports to Israel 4

2.1. Arms exports since 7 October 2023 5

3. Review of licences to Israel 6

3.1. Decisions to continue to grant licences 7

3.2. The review process 8

3.3. April 2024 decision 11

3.4. The ICC's application for arrest warrants 11

3.5. Previous reviews of export licences 12

4. Parliamentary scrutiny of arms exports 13

4.1. Select Committees 13

4.2. Debate in the Commons 14

4.3. Private Member's Bill 15


#이스라엘하마스전쟁 # 무기거래 # 국방수출 # 영국무기수출
