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Trade policy tools for climate action
(기후 행동을 위한 무역 정책 도구)


Title page


Acronyms and abbreviations 3

Foreword by Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala 5

Introduction 7

Executive summary 8

Policy tool 14

1. Trade facilitation 14

2. Government procurement 17

3. Regulations and certification 20

4. Services 23

5. Import tariffs 26

6. Subsidies 30

7. Trade finance 33

8. Food and agriculture 36

9. Sanitary and phytosanitary measures 40

10. Internal taxation and carbon pricing 43

Bibliography 48

WTO Secretariat publications on trade and climate change 53


#글로벌무역거버넌스 # 환경거버넌스 # 기후행동
