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Global trends in innovation patterns : a complexity approach
(혁신 패턴의 글로벌 동향 : 복잡성 접근법)


Title page


Abstract 2

1. Economic complexity approach 3

2. Data 7

3. Global trends 9

4. Complexity and Economic Growth 19

5. Path dependency 22

6. Can the rest of the world achieve complex technologies? 29

7. Conclusions and policy implications 31

References 33

Appendix 38

A. Mathematical Formulations 38

B. Data methods 46

C. Additional results 51

Table 1. Density regressions for scientific publications 28

Table 2. Density regressions for patents 28

Table 3. Publications and Related Patenting 30

Table 4. Trade and Related Patenting 31

Figure 1. A multidimensional view of innovation capabilities 7

Figure 2. Scientific publications worldwide between 2000 and 2020 11

Figure 3. Patents worldwide between 2000 and 2020 12

Figure 4. Inequality in scientific publications, patents, and exports, 2000-2020 14

Figure 5. RCA Matrices, 2000-2020 15

Figure 6. Diversity and Average Ubiquity, 2000-2020 16

Figure 7. Average Diversity 17

Figure 8. Country spaces, 2000-2020 18

Figure 9. Country characteristics by Cluster 19

Figure 10. Country ECI by Cluster 20

Figure 11. Average ECI 21

Figure 12. Change in ECI - 2000-2020 21

Figure 13. ECI vs. Growth 22

Figure 14. Evolution of the scientific field space for selected countries 23

Figure 15. Evolution of the technology space for selected countries 24

Figure 16. Cross-domain linkage tables 29


Box 1. Main concepts 6

Table C.1. Most important scientific fields for clustering publications-derived country space 52

Table C.2. Most important technology classes for clustering patents-derived country space 54

Figure C.1. Diversity and Average Ubiquity, 2015-2020 51

Figure C.2. Evolution of the product spaces for selected countries 52


#기술혁신 # 혁신패턴 # 다각화
