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  • 주제별 국가전략
  • 전체

Nurturing civil society in Small Island Developing States : how can civic space be expanded and strengthened for greater inclusion, equity and empowerment?
(군소 도서 개발도상국의 시민 사회 육성 : 포용성, 형평성 및 권한 부여를 강화하기 위해 시민 공간을 어떻게 확장하고 강화할 수 있는가?)


Title page


Abstract 1

Acknowledgements 3

Acronyms/Glossary 5

1. Introduction 6

2. Methods 7

3. Civil society for global development 8

3.1. Key characteristics of civil society 8

4. Civil society and civic space in Small Island Developing States 10

4.1. The civic landscape 11

4.2. Mobilising civic resources 11

5. Approaches to strengthening civil society 13

5.1. Network development 13

5.2. Capacity building 14

5.3. Supporting youth organising 16

6. Recommendations 18

6.1. Cross-SIDS network building 18

6.2. Capacity building for 'critical' voices 19

6.3. Youth organising 19

References 21


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