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Family and career : an analysis across Europe and North America
(가족과 경력 : 유럽 및 북미 지역 분석)


Title page


Abstract 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Literature Review 6

3. Data and Definitions 8

4. Child related gaps over the life-cycle 10

4.1. Graphical Evidence 10

4.2. Regression Results 15

5. Conclusions 20

References 22

Appendix A. Additional Tables 24

Table 1. Gender gaps over the life cycle 17

Figure 1. Employment Gaps 11

Figure 2. Part-time Gaps 12

Figure 3. Earning Gaps 13

Figure 4. Employment Gaps by Education 14

Figure 5. Earnings Gaps by Education 19

Table A1. Number of countries with data in each cohort and age group 24

Table A2. Variables and data source, by country 25

Table A3. Gaps between mothers and non-mothers, cohort 1970, by country 29

Table A4. Gaps between mothers and fathers, cohort 1970, by country 30


#일가정양립 # 경력단절여성 # 성별격차
