Title page
Abstract/Résumé 4
1. Introduction 9
2. Industrial policies are back in vogue 10
3. Policy considerations 14
3.1. Motivations for industrial policies 14
3.2. Industrial policy should be justified by efficiency and cost-benefit considerations 14
3.3. Pros and cons of industrial policies differ across specific objectives 19
3.4. Which policy measures to use? 23
3.5. Evidence-based design and implementation of industrial policies could minimise risks of failures but not eliminate them 25
3.6. How should countries respond to industrial policies implemented in other countries? 27
4. Conclusions 28
References 30
Annex A. Recent industrial policy initiatives in selected countries 44
Annex B. OECD conceptual frameworks for industrial policy 51
Annex C. Methodological challenges with evaluation of industrial policies 54
Annex D. Summary of empirical evidence about industrial policy effectiveness 57
Figure 1. Manufacturing employment has shrunk relative to other sectors in OECD countries 11
Figure 2. The extent of government support varies substantially across sectors 13
Box 1. Selected elements of cost-benefit analysis of industrial policies 17
Annex Tables
Table A B.1. Economic and policy rationales associated with different types of industrial strategies 52