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The potential impact of artificial intelligence on equity and inclusion in education
(인공지능이 교육의 형평성과 포용성에 미치는 잠재적 영향)


Title page


Acknowledgements 3

Abstract 4

1. Introduction 7

2. Definitions, guidelines and conceptualisations 9

Definitions of artificial intelligence, equity and inclusion 9

Guidelines and frameworks related to artificial intelligence in education 11

Taxonomy to analyse the impact of artificial intelligence on equity and inclusion in education 12

3. Learner-centred tools to support equity and inclusion 14

Opportunities of learner-centred AI tools for equity and inclusion 14

Challenges of learner-centred AI tools for equity and inclusion 17

4. Teacher-led tools to support equity and inclusion 25

Opportunities of teacher-led tools for equity and inclusion 25

Challenges of teacher-led tools for equity and inclusion 30

5. Other institutional tools that can foster equity and inclusion 34

Opportunities of institutional tools for equity and inclusion 34

Challenges of institutional tools for equity and inclusion 35

6. Conclusions 37

Embracing the potential for adaptive learning while addressing privacy, ethical and accountability issues 37

Recognising the potential to enhance cultural responsiveness while keeping in mind inherent biases 37

Balancing the potential for accessibility with challenges such as techno-ableism and impact on socio-emotional skills 38

Developing and improving teacher training in AI 38

Exploring how to maintain educational integrity amidst the growing commercial influence in the sector 39

Encouraging research on the implications of AI for equity and inclusion in education, and clarifying the role of institutions at the national level in its systematic implementation 39

References 41

Table 2.1. Conceptualising equity and inclusion regarding digital technologies in education 10

Table 2.2. AI techniques and technologies 11

Table 2.3. Taxonomy of AI tools in education 13

Table 4.1. Teacher activities and AI 27

Figure 2.1. Definitions of equity and inclusion in education 10

Figure 3.1. Quantity and quality of digital resources by socio-economic profile of schools (2022) 19

Figure 4.1. Continuing professional learning needs by school characteristics (2018) 33


Box 3.1. Algorithmic biases 22

Box 4.1. Aspects of teaching that AI could support 27


#인공지능 # AI # 인공지능과교육 # AI와교육
