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European Space Governance and Its Implications for Italy
(유럽 우주 거버넌스와 이탈리아에 미치는 함의)


Key points

1. European space governance
1.1 Relations between European space institutions and agencies
1.2 European space sector facing global challenges
1.3 Italy’s positioning in the European space sector

2. The Council Conclusions on the Space Strategy for Security and Defence (EUSSSD): Relevant topics and food for thought
2.1 Autonomous access to space and Italy
2.2 The defence dimension and civil-military relationship
2.3 The relationship with the United States
2.4 EU-NATO relations
2.5 Relationship with non-EU countries and Italy’s partnerships

3. EU Space Law
3.1 Rationale and context
3.2 Decision-making process and vision
3.3 Challenges
3.4 Italy’s situation and national interests

4. Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite – IRIS2
4.1 IRIS2 and GovSatCom
4.2 Italy’s positioning


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European Space Governance and Its Implications for Italy

(유럽 우주 거버넌스와 이탈리아에 미치는 함의)