Title page
Abstract/Resume 4
Environmental Policy Stringency and CO₂ emissions: Evidence from cross-country sector-level data 7
Introduction 7
Data and methodology 10
Empirical framework 12
The effect of environmental policies on emissions 14
Robustness checks and extensions 17
Estimated emission reduction potential across countries 20
Cross-country analysis 20
Country-sector analysis 22
Illustrative forward-looking emission reduction scenarios 24
Conclusions and policy implications 26
References 28
Annex A. Additional tables and figures 31
Annex B. Within country results 33
Table 1. Variables used and descriptive statistics 12
Table 2. Regression results 14
Table 3. Regression results for sub-indices of the EPS 16
Table 4. Robustness checks and extensions 17
Figure 1. The OECD Environmental Policy Stringency (EPS) Index over time and countries 11
Figure 2. Number of sectors with available data per country 12
Figure 3. A higher EPS is associated with lower emissions 15
Figure 4. Emission reduction potential from moving towards the 2020 environmental policy stringency frontier 21
Figure 5. Sectors' emission reduction potential for the OECD average 22
Figure 6. Drastic and rapid increase in environmental policy stringency is necessary to lower emissions 25
Annex Tables
Table A.1. Regression results for employment 32
Annex Figures
Figure A.1. The structure of Environmental Policy Stringency indicator (EPS) 31
Figure A.2. Cumulative impacts of the EPS for different fossil fuel intensities 31
Figure A.3. Share of observations at or above the 90th percentile of fossil fuel intensities across countries and sectors 32
Figure B.1. Impacts of one unit increase in the EPS on the top 5 emitting sectors and all others 33
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Environmental policy stringency and CO2 emissions : evidence from cross-country sector-level data
(환경 정책 엄격도와 이산화탄소 배출량 간의 관련성)