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Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights : what is needed to guarantee a positive social impact : study
(유럽 사회권 기둥 구현 : 긍정적인 사회적 영향을 보장하기 위해 필요한 것)


Title page


Abstract 4

Executive summary 7

Introduction 7

Summary 7

Recommendations 8

Looking ahead 11

Introduction 12

1. Implementing the Pillar through European social dialogue and legislation 14

1.1. Access to Social protection 14

1.1.1. A two-stage consultation of the social partners 14

1.1.2. A proposal for a Council Recommendation 16

1.2. The proposed Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions - Revision of the Written Statement Directive 16

1.2.1. A two-stage consultation process 17

1.2.2. Outcome: the proposal for a Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union 19

1.3. The proposed Directive on Work Life Balance for Parents and Carers 21

1.3.1. A two-stage consultation of the social partners 21

1.3.2. Outcome: a proposal for a Directive on Work Life Balance for Parents and Carers 22

2. Assessing the EPSR indicators: raising the ambitions of the Social Scoreboard 26

2.1. Fair working conditions and wages 27

2.2. Collective bargaining coverage 29

3. Ensuring impact: building a coherent governance arrangement 30

3.1. The Pillar as a means to relaunch EU initiatives in the social domain 30

3.2. The Pillar as an instrument to steer the direction of domestic social policies 31

3.3. Influencing EU macro-economic and fiscal policies 32

4. The EPSR in the first stages of the 2018 European Semester 33

4.1. The Pillar and the Annual Growth Survey 2018 33

4.2. The EPSR and the Employment Guidelines 34

5. The European Pillar of Social Rights and national trade unions 36

5.1. Level of awareness of the Pillar and participation in EU level consultations 36

5.2. Consultations on the Pillar at the national level 37

5.3. Involvement in implementing the Pillar at national level 38

6. The role of the European Economic and Social Committee 39

7. Policy recommendations: guaranteeing a positive social impact of the Pillar 40

8. Towards a roadmap for implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights 43

Conclusions 46

References 47

ANNEX I - The European Pillar of Social Rights: Chapters and Principles 51

ANNEX II - The Social Scoreboard: headline and secondary indicators 52

ANNEX III - List of interviews 53

ANNEX IV - Benchmarking of EU countries with the Social Scoreboard reviews 54

ANNEX V - List of acronyms 55

Table 1. Minimum income and childcare/support to children: a comparison between the SIP and the EPSR 31

Table 2. Elements for a roadmap for implementation of the EPSR 45


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