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The U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization : A Joint Strategy to Transform Transportation
(운송수단 탈탄소화를 위한 미국 국가 청사진 : 교통 혁신을 위한 공동 전략 )

□ 바이든 행정부는 2023년 1월 10일, ”2050 운송수단 탈탄소화 계획(The U.S National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization)”을 공개함

□ 2050 탈탄소화 계획은 장기적인 호흡이 요구되는 만큼, 단기 목표(~2030)와 중장기 목표(~2040, ~2050)로 구분됨. (1) 2030년까지는 내연기관 자동차 비중을 낮춰가며 연구 개발 및 투자 확대로 친환경 인프라를 구축하고 (2) 2030~40년 사이에는 친환경 인프라의 도입 비중을 확대하며 사회 변화를 가속, (3) 2040년부터 50년까지 친환경 운송 수단으로의 완전한 전환을 달성할 것을 제시함. 이로 인해, 바이든 행정부의 2050 운송수단 탈탄소화 계획은 2030년에 들어서야 실질적인 탄소 배출량 저감 효과가 나타날 것으로 기대됨

[출처] 바이든 행정부, 2050년 운송수단 탈탄소화 계획 청사진 공개 (2023.02.02.) / KOTRA 


I. Executive Summary

1. Introduction
a. Context & Vision
b. Plan & Strategy

2. A Whole-of-Government Approach
a. The Agencies
b. Guiding Principles
c. The Levers

3. Transportation Challenges Today
a. Current Status
b. Changing Mobility Needs
c. Mobility Costs and Impact of Fuel Prices

4. Strategies to Decarbonize Transportation
a. Increasing Convenience by Implementing System-Level pue Design Solutions
b. Improving Efficiency through Mode Shift and More Efficient Vehicles
c. Transitioning to Clean Options by Deploying Zero-Emision Vehicles pue Fuels

5. Applying the Strategies by Transportation Mode
a. Light-Duty Vehicles
b. Medium- and Heavy-Duty On-Road Trucks pue Buses
c. Off-Road Vehicles and Mobile Equipment
d. Rail
e. Maritime Vessels
f. Aviation
g. Pipelines

6. Conclusion - A Call to Action


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