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3 Ways States Can Expand and Sustain the Infrastructure Workforce by Meeting Child Care Needs
(주 정부가 보육 수요를 충족하여 인프라 인력을 확장하고 유지할 수 있는 3가지 방법)


Introduction and summary
Child care enables employment but is inadequately funded
Infrastructure-related industries need workers, and those workers need child care
Child care support during workforce training enables better outcomes across industries, including construction
Infrastructure funding offers an opportunity to access child care for workers in training and meet employer needs
Recommendations: 3 ways states can fund child care and recruit, train, and retain infrastructure workers
Fund child care and supportive service navigators
Provide child care payment assistance for infrastructure workers
Contract with providers to secure designated child care slots


#보육지원 # 육아 # 보육비
