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  • 주제별 국가전략
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Solving the net-zero equation: Nine requirements for a more orderly transition
(net-zero 방정식 풀기: 보다 질서 있는 전환을 위한 9가지 요구 사항)


1. About the authors

2. What is an orderly transition?

3. Physical building blocks
1) Technological innovation
2) Ability to create at-scale supply chains and support infrastructure
3) Availability of necessary natural resources

4. Economic and societal adjustments
1) Effective capital reallocation and financing structures
2) Management of demand shifts and near-term unit-cost increases
3) Compensating mechanisms to address socioeconomic impacts

5. Governance, institutions, and commitment
1) Governing standards, tracking and market mechanisms, and effective institutions
2) Commitment by, and collaboration among, public-, private-, and social-sector leaders globally
3) Support from citizens and consumers

6. An agenda for leaders


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