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Hydrogen Strategy Update to the Market: August 2023
(시장에 대한 수소 전략 업데이트: 2023년 8월)


Introduction 5
Hydrogen Production 6
Supporting multiple low carbon hydrogen production technologies 6
Hydrogen production funding support 7
Net Zero Hydrogen Fund 7
Hydrogen Allocation Rounds and the Hydrogen Production Business Model 7
Cluster Sequencing 8
Hydrogen Production Innovation 8
Hydrogen networks and storage 8
Use of hydrogen 10
Use of hydrogen in industry 10
Use of hydrogen in power 12
Use of hydrogen in heat 12
Use of hydrogen in transport 13
Cross-modal 13
Road 14
Maritime 14
Aviation 15
Creating a market 15
Developing the market framework for hydrogen 15
Ensuring a supportive regulatory framework 16
Gas blending 16
Hydrogen sector development 16
Investment 17
Supply chains 18
Jobs and skills 18
Exports and imports 18
Research and innovation 19
Hydrogen Champion and the Hydrogen Delivery Council 19
Demonstrating international leadership 20
Upcoming opportunities 20
Conclusion 21


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Hydrogen Strategy Update to the Market: August 2023

(시장에 대한 수소 전략 업데이트: 2023년 8월)