□ 바이오 인력 구축 계획의 3대 목표
① 교육·훈련 프로그램을 통해 바이오경제의 급변하는 스킬 니즈와 노동자 수요 증가 충족
② 여성, 유색인종, 농촌 거주자, 장애인, 경력단절자, 신흥 소외계층 등 다양한 인력이 양질의 바이오경제 일자리를 준비하고 관련 분야로 진출할 수 있도록 지원
③ 연방 자원이 형평성을 증진하는 증거 기반 교육·훈련 접근방식을 지향하도록 보장
[출처] 미국 미래 바이오 인력 구축 계획 (美 White House, 6.27) (2023.07.18.) / 한국산업기술진흥원
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Action Plan to Bolster, Expand, and Diversify America’s Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Workforce (2023.06.27.) / The White House
About This Report 3
Executive Summary 5
Bioworkforce State of Play 8
Recommendations and Action Steps 12
· Recommendation #1: Expand and diversify the talent pool for biotechnology and biomanufacturing jobs and careers to promote innovation and advance equity 12
· Recommendation #2: Strengthen worker-centered sector strategies and other partnerships between employers, labor organization community colleges, and other training providers to grow and diversify the bioworkforce 20
· Recommendation #3: Develop and rigorously evaluate innovative approaches to education and training for biotechnology and biomanufacturing jobs and careers, scaling and promoting those found to be most effective 22
· Recommendation #4: Partner with state and local governments, education and training providers, bioscience associations, unions and other worker-serving organizations, and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the promise and potential of careers in the bioworkforce 26
· Recommendation #5: Improve data and analytic capacity and cross-sector collaboration to advance equity and support effective workforce development-including the development of industry-recognized credentials and competency models 28
Appendix 31