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Offshore Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition
(해상 풍력 시장 보고서: 2023)

□ 에너지부(DOE)는 8월 24일 「2023 해상 풍력 시장 보고서」를 발표함

□ 보고서는 2022년 12월 31일까지 운영되고 있는 글로벌 해상 풍력 에너지 프로젝트와 2023년 5월 31일까지 진행되고 있는 미국의 다양한 프로젝트를 검토함

□ 2022년 기준 전 세계적으로 292개의 프로젝트, 11,900개 이상 풍력 터빈에서 59,009MW의 전력이 생산되었으며, 2023년 5월 31일 기준 미국 내 운영 중이거나, 건설 예정 또는 진행 중인 프로젝트, 허가 진행 중인 프로젝트 등을 통해 약 52,687MW의 에너지가 잠재적으로 발전 가능할 것으로 예상됨

□ 2022년 미국 해상 풍력 산업의 항구, 선박, 공급망 및 전송 부문 개발을 위해 27억 달러가 투자되었고, 2050년까지 미국 13개 주에서 112,286MW의 해상 풍력을 지원하는 정책이 예정됨

(출처: 한국과학기술기획평가원)



Disclaimer ii
Authors iii
Acknowledgments iv
List of Acronyms vi
Executive Summary viii
U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Market viii
Global Offshore Wind Energy Market xii
Offshore Wind Energy Technology Trends xiii
Offshore Wind Energy Cost and Price Trends xiii
Future Outlook. xiii
List of Figures xvi
List of Tables xviii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 About This Report 2
1.2 Approach and Method 3
1.3 Report Structure 7
2 U.S. Offshore Wind Market Assessment 8
2.1 U.S. Offshore Wind Industry Overview 8
2.2 Inflation Reduction Act 11
2.3 U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Market Potential and Project Pipeline Assessment 11
2.4 Regulatory Activity 26
2.5 U.S. Offshore Wind Project Power Contracts 37
2.6 Federal and State Policies Activities 39
2.7 U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Infrastructure Trends 42
3 Global Offshore Wind Energy Development 52
3.1 Global Offshore Wind Energy Industry Current Status 52
3.2 Announced Deployment Through 2028 55
3.3 Country-Specific Offshore Wind Energy Markets 63
4 Offshore Wind Energy Technology Trends 68
4.1 Global Offshore Wind Energy Siting Trends 68
4.2 Offshore Wind Energy Substructures 71
4.3 Offshore Wind Turbines 74
4.4 Future Offshore Wind Technologies 79
4.5 Offshore Wind Technology Summary 80
5 Cost and Price Trends 81
5.1 Cost and Price Overview 81
5.2 Fixed-Bottom Offshore Wind Energy Cost Trends 81
5.3 Floating Offshore Wind Energy Cost Trends 85
5.4 Financing Trends 86
6 Future Trends 88
References 91
Appendix A. Capacity Density Assessment for U.S. Projects 115
Appendix B. Future Offshore Wind Technologies 118
Offshore Wind Power to X 120


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