□ 보고서는 2003년부터 2022년까지 미국의 분산형 풍력 에너지에 대한 통계 및 분석을 제공함. 분산형 풍력 터빈은 전기 시스템의 분배 단계에 연결되거나 비 그리드 응용 프로그램에서 지역 에너지 수요를 충족하기 위해 사용됨. 2003년부터 2022년까지 미국에 설치된 분산형 풍력 용량은 1,104MW로, 이 중 29.5MW가 2022년 13개 주에서 터빈 유닛 추가 설치를 통해 추가됨
□ 2022년 미국 내 새로운 분산형 풍력 프로젝트에 8,400만 달러가 투자되었고, 현재 미국 전역 50개 주 분산형 풍력 응용 프로그램에 9만 개의 터빈이 설치되어 있음
(출처: 한국과학기술기획평가원)
Preparation and Authorship iii
Acknowledgments v
List of Acronyms vii
Executive Summary ix
Table of Contents xii
List of Figures xv
List of Tables xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose of Report 1
1.2 Distributed Wind Applications 1
1.3 Wind Turbine Size Classifications 2
1.4 Data-Collection, Categorization, and Analysis Methodologies 2
2 U.S. Distributed Wind Deployment 4
2.1 Top States for Distributed Wind: Annual and Cumulative Capacity 4
2.2 Project-Development Timelines 8
3 U.S. Distributed Wind Projects, Sales, and Exports 9
3.1 Midsize and Large-Scale Turbines 9
3.2 Small Wind 10
3.3 Small Wind Exports 11
3.4 Global Small Wind Market 12
3.4.1 Asian Markets 12
3.4.2 European Markets 13
3.4.3 North and South American Markets 14
4 Policies, Incentives, and Market Insights 15
4.1 Policies and Incentives 15
4.1.1 State Policy and Cash Incentive Highlights 16
4.1.2 Federal Tax Incentives 16
4.1.3 USDA REAP 16
4.2 Market Insights 18
4.2.1 Small Wind Repowers 18
4.2.2 Hybrids and Co-Located Distributed Energy Resources 18
4.2.3 Competitiveness Improvement Project 19
4.2.4 Certified Small and Medium Turbines 19
5 Installed and Operations and Maintenance Costs 23
5.1 Small Wind Installed Costs 23
5.2 Installed Costs for Projects Using Wind Turbines Greater Than 100 kW 24
5.3 Operation and Maintenance Costs 25
6 Performance 26
6.1 Small Wind Capacity Factors 26
6.2 Capacity Factors for Projects Using Turbines Greater Than 100 kW 27
6.3 Annual Capacity Factor Comparison 28
7 Levelized Cost of Energy 31
8 Distributed Wind Markets 32
8.1 Customer Types 32
8.2 Interconnection Types 34
8.3 Wind Turbine Sizes 35
8.4 Type of Towers 38
9 Future Outlook and Market Potential 39
10 Conclusions 41
11 References 42
Appendix A: Wind Turbine Manufacturers and Suppliers A.1
Appendix B: Methodology 2
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