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Ramon Pacheco Pardo’s South Korea’s Grand Strategy : Making Its Own Destiny
(라몬 파체코 파르도의 한국의 대전략 : 스스로 운명을 개척하다)

ASIA POLICY, volume 19, number 1 (January 2024), 135–59 [Book Review Roundtable]


Can South Korea Really Develop a Grand Strategy?
Andrew Yeo

In the Middle of It All: Unpacking South Korea’s Foreign Policy Priorities
Darcie Draudt-Véjares

South Korea’s Quest for a Grand Strategy: Theory versus Practice, Domestic Factors, and Nuance
Duyeon Kim

Middle-Power Strategic Autonomy: The Surprising Tale of South Korea’s Grand Strategy
Yves Tiberghien

The Future of South Korea’s Grand Strategy in the 21st Century?
Lam Peng Er

Author’s Response: A Tale of South Korea, Middle Powers, and Grand Strategy
Ramon Pacheco Pardo


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Ramon Pacheco Pardo’s South Korea’s Grand Strategy : Making Its Own Destiny

(라몬 파체코 파르도의 한국의 대전략 : 스스로 운명을 개척하다)