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Three non-economic challenges facing the renewable-energy transition
(재생에너지 전환이 직면한 세 가지 비경제적 과제)


Title page


Executive Summary 4

Background 6

Non-Economic-physical-challenges to the renewables transition 9

Energy Return on Investment-a Thermodynamic Frame of Analysis 15

Conclusion and Policy Implications 18

References 19

About the Author 22

Acknowledgments 22

Publishing Information 23

About the Fraser Institute 24

Editorial Advisory Board 25

Table 1. Change in production capacity (GW) needed for the other forms of renewables in Jacobson's WWS-2050 scenario for Canada 7

Table 2. Levelized cost of electricity (capacity-weighted) and levelized cost of storage for new resources entering service in 2027 (in 2021 USD per megawatthour) 8

Table 3. Aggregate land claim (areas used in production) of the global energy system as of 2010 11

Table 4. Land areas modified by all human actions, as of 2010 11

Table 5. Mean EROI values for thermal fuels based on published values 16

Table 6. Mean EROI values for electricity generation systems based on published values 16


#재생에너지 # 탈탄소화 # 에너지전환의제


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Three non-economic challenges facing the renewable-energy transition

(재생에너지 전환이 직면한 세 가지 비경제적 과제)