Title page
Foreword 5
Executive summary 6
Part 1: Investment barriers identified in EIB operations 9
Introduction 9
Forestry 10
Commercial power purchase agreements 17
Resilient roads 22
Antimicrobial resistance 30
Cross-border projects Introduction 35
Part 2: EIB Group investment and finance surveys - non-financial corporates and small and medium businesses 39
EIB Investment Survey 2023 (EIBIS) 39
A bleak short-term outlook for corporate investment 39
Investment barriers and finance constraints are elevated and increasing 40
Pressed by structural transformation needs, investment is showing resilience 44
The climate emergency is becoming more pressing for EU firms 45
To remain competitive, European corporates must continue investing 46
EIF analysis of smaller corporates and small and medium businesses 47
Annex: EIBIS 2023 country profiles 61
Part 1: Investment barriers identified in EIB operations 36
Figure 1. Main barriers to the realisation of cross-border infrastructure projects, their causes and consequences 36
EIB Investment Survey 2023 (EIBIS) 40
Figure 1. Investment cycle 40
Figure 2. Economic sentiment: Net balance improvement/deterioration in % 40
Figure 3. Investment barriers 41
Figure 4. Share of finance-constrained firms 41
Figure 5. Share of finance-constrained firms in more detail 42
Figure 6. Increased spending on energy 42
Figure 7. Strategies to deal with the energy shock 43
Figure 8. Dissatisfaction with external finance received 43
Figure 9. Use of advanced digital technologies 44
Figure 10. Investment plans to tackle climate change impact 44
Figure 11. Impact of climate change - physical risk 45
Figure 12. Building resilience to physical risk 45
Figure 13. Impact of climate change - risks associated with the transition to a net zero emission economy over the next five years 46
Figure 14. Actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 46
Figure 15. For each of the following areas, to what extent is access to experts a major/minor problem to the delivery of your municipality's investment programme (in %) 47
EIF analysis of smaller corporates and small and medium businesses 48
Figure 1. The EIF SME Access to Finance Index: country comparison and evolution over time 48
Figure 2. Importance of skilled staff and, euro area SMEs 49
Figure 3. Key challenges faced by microfinance institutions 50
Figure 4. Percentage of microfinance institutions by engagement in green non-financial services 51
Figure 5. Biggest challenges in venture capital business 53
Figure 6. Biggest challenges for venture capital portfolio companies 54
Figure 7. Most important skills for the management team of venture capital portfolio companies 55
Figure 8. Most common skill gaps of the management teams of venture capital portfolio companies 56
Figure 9. Skills expected to be in most demand in five years in venture capital portfolio companies 56
Box 1. European Commission definitions of microenterprise and social enterprise 50
Annex Figures
Figure 1. Investment cycle and evolution of investment expectations by country 61
Figure 2. Long-term barriers to investment by country 62
Figure 3. Share of finance-constrained firms by country 63
Figure 4. Use of advanced digital technologies by country 63
Figure 5. Share of firms investing in measures to improve energy efficiency by country 64
Figure 6. Investment plans to tackle climate change impact by country 64
Figure 7. Impact of climate change - physical risk by country 65
Figure 8. Impact of climate change - risks associated with the transition to a net zero emission economy over the next five years by country 65
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Investment barriers in the European Union 2023
(유럽연합 2023 투자 장벽)