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  • 주제별 국가전략
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National health and climate strategy : final thematic stakeholder engagement report
(국가 보건 및 기후 전략 : 주제별 이해관계자 참여 보고서)


Title page


What we asked 4

1.1. Overview of stakeholder engagement process 5

1.1.1. Consultation Hub and Consultation Paper 5

1.1.2. Online submissions and survey 5

1.1.3. Workshops 6

1.1.4. Limitations 7

What stakeholders said 8

2.1. Strategy development and design 9

2.1.1. Approach to development of the Strategy 9

2.1.2. Scope of emissions 11

2.1.3. Objectives 12

2.1.4. Principles 15

2.1.5. Enablers 19

2.1.6. First Nations Health and climate change 27

2.2. Consultation topics 31

2.2.1. Measurement 31

2.2.2. Built environment, infrastructure, and services 36

2.2.3. Travel and transport 41

2.2.4. Prevention and optimising models of care 46

2.2.5. Medicine and gases 50

2.2.6. Waste 54

2.2.7. Supply chain 59

2.2.8. Emergency response 63

2.2.9. Health and wellbeing impacts 73

2.2.10. Health in All Policies 80

Where to from here? 84

3.1. Phase 2 targeted consultations 85

Appendices 86

4.1. Appendix A: Additional Consultation Paper questions analysis 87

4.2. Appendix B: NVIVO approach 95

4.3. Appendix C: List of all individuals that participated in workshops and/or submitted a response to the Consultation Paper 98

Figure 1. Overview of stakeholder engagement 5

Figure 2. Stakeholder consultation groups 6

Figure 3. Survey results to question 6 12

Figure 4. Survey results to question 7 15

Figure 5. Enablers from the Consultation Paper ranked most important 21

Figure 6. Ranking of enablers from the Consultation Paper 22

Figure 7. Additional enablers to be considered 22

Figure 8. Highest priority for action on emission sources 91

Figure 9. Ranking of priority for action on emissions sources 91


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