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GHG emissions of all world countries 2023
(2023년 전세계 국가의 온실가스 배출량)


Abstract 1
Acknowledgement 2
Executive summary 3
1 Introduction 7
2 Global GHG emissions from 1970 until 2022 9
3 Global GHG emissions from LULUCF from 1990 until 2022 17
4 Conclusions 20
References 21
List of abbreviations and definitions 24
List of boxes 25
List of figures 26
List of tables 27
Annexes 28
Annex 1 Bottom-up methodology for global GHG emissions compilation 28
Annex 2 Methodology for the estimation of emissions from Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) 33
Annex 3 Methodology for the estimation of emissions from large scale biomass burning 35
Annex 4 Content of country fact-sheets 37
Annex 5 GHG emissions for the world, international transport and the EU27 38
Annex 6: GHG emissions by country 43
Annex 7 GHG emissions and removals from LULUCF sector by macro-regions 252
Disclaimer 263


#온실가스배출 # GHG # 온실가스감축 # 탄소중립
