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Two years of building stronger supply chains and a more resilient economy
(더 강력한 공급망과 탄력적인 경제를 구축한 2년)


Title page


Report Card: Two Years of Building Stronger Supply Chains and a More Resilient Economy 3

Recommendation I: Rebuild Production and Innovation Capabilities 5

Recommendation II: Support Quality Markets that Invest in Workers and Value Sustainability 10

Recommendation III: Leverage Government as a Purchaser of and Investor in Critical Goods 11

Recommendation IV: Strengthen International Trade Rules and Enforcement Mechanisms 13

Recommendation V: Work with Allies and Partners to Decrease Global Vulnerabilities 14

Recommendation VI: Monitor Near-Term Supply Chain Disruptions as the Economy Reopens 16


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Two years of building stronger supply chains and a more resilient economy

(더 강력한 공급망과 탄력적인 경제를 구축한 2년)