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World Cities Report 2020 : The Value of Sustainable Urbanization
(세계 도시 보고서 2020 : 지속 가능한 도시화의 가치)


Secretary General's Foreword.................................... iii
Executive Director’s Introduction.............................iv
List of Figures, Boxes and Tables................................x
Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................. xiii
Key Findings and Messages.........................................xv

1. Urbanization and Cities: Trends of a New Global Force
1.1. Urbanization: A Key Agenda in International Development Policy
1.2. Cities and Development: An Enduring Issue
1.3. Implementing the New Urban Agenda
1.4. Recent Global Urban Trends and Conditions
1.5. Concluding Remarks

2. Unpacking the Value of Sustainable Urbanization
2.1. Conceptualizing the Value of Sustainable Urbanization
2.2. Value within the Context of Sustainable Urbanization
2.3. Harnessing the Value of Urbanization for People
2.4. Economic Value of Sustainable Urbanization
2.5. Environmental Value of Sustainable Urbanization
2.6. Social Value of Sustainable Urbanization
2.7. Intangible and Cultural Value
2.8. Concluding Remarks and Lessonsfor Policy

3. The Economic Value of Sustainable Urbanization: Inclusive Prosperity and Opportunities for All
3.1. Cities: Sustainable Growth Accelerators
3.2. How Cities Contribute to National Prosperity and Inclusiveness
3.3. Sustainable Urbanization is Crucial to Reap the Economic Benefits of Cities
3.4. How Various Levels of Government Can Help Cities Thrive
3.5. Concluding Remarks and Lessons for Policy

4. The Environmental Value of Sustainable Urbanization: Building Resilient Urban Development
4.1. Environmental Values through the Lens of the Global Development Agendas
4.3. Mapping the Action Space for Urban Environmental Value
4.4. Unintended Impacts of Urban Sustainability Policies
4.5. Concluding Remarks and Lessons for Policy

5. The Social Value of Sustainable Urbanization: Leaving No One and No Place Behind
5.1. Understanding the Social and Intangible Value of Sustainable Urbanization
5.2. Pursuing Inclusion through Sustainable Urbanization
5.3: Pursuing Equity through Sustainable Urbanization
5.4. The Intangible Value of Sustainable Urbanization
5.5. Concluding Remarks and Lessons for Policy

6. Innovation, Technology and the Value of Sustainable Urbanization
6.1. What is Innovation and Why Does It Matter?
6.2. Civic Technology for Urban Innovation
6.3. Technology Firms and the Smart City
6.4. The Bottom-up Smart City: Urban Labs, Open Data and the Open-Source Movement
6.5. Cities and the Uneven Geography of Technological Innovation
6.6. Digital Exclusion, Data Privacy and the Perils of New Technologies
6.7. The Importance of Governance and Digital Rights
6.8. Concluding Remarks and Lessons for Policy

7. Local Governments and the Value of Sustainable Urbanization
7.1. The Emerging Urban Alternatives for a Sustainable Future
7.2 The Evolution of Local Governments’ Institutional Frameworks and its Relevance to Harnessing the Potential of Sustainable Urbanization
7.3. Local Governments as Pillars for the Coalescence of the Transformative Local Forces
7.4. Concluding Remarks and Lessons for Policy

8. Investing in the Value of Sustainable Urbanization
8.1. Urban Investments Demand
8.2. The Urban Finance Challenge
8.3. Mobilizing Financing for Sustainable Urbanization
8.4. Concluding Remarks and Lessons for Policy

9. The New Urban Agenda and the Value of Sustainable Urbanization
9.1. Towards the Decade of Action: Rapidly Harnessing the Value of Sustainable Urbanization
9.2. Enhancing the Economic Value of Sustainable Urbanization
9.3. Enhancing the Environmental Value of Urbanization
9.4. Enhancing the Social Value of Urbanization
9.5. Governance, Institutional Frameworks and Urban Legislation
9.6. How Can We Harness the Value of Sustainable Urbanization?
9.7. Concluding Reflections: Implementing the New Urban Agenda in Times of Uncertainty and Unprecedented Global Challenges

Statistical Annex 


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