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  • 주제별 국가전략
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Critical infrastructure protection : DHS actions urgently needed to better protect the nation's critical infrastructure
(중요 인프라 보호 : 국가의 중요 인프라를 더 잘 보호하기 위한 조치)


Title page


Highlights 2

Background 4

GAO Has Previously Identified Four Major Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Nation 6

Federal Law and Policy Establish Requirements for Critical Infrastructure 6

DHS Actions Urgently Needed to Protect Critical Infrastructure 9

DHS Needs to Strengthen Its Role in Protecting the Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure 9

CISA Should Improve its Priority Setting Efforts 12

GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments 18

Figure 1. Examples of Critical Infrastructure 5

Figure 2. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Coordination Challenges Reported by Stakeholders Representing the 16 Critical... 11

Figure 3. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) National Critical Functions 16


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